Alex Zahara
$50 ($40 students – must be 16 years of age or older)
1:00 – 4:00pm, Sat, May 12, 2018
Ernie Radbourne Pavilion, Muskoseepi Park (entrance at 102 St & 102 Ave)

Instructor: Alex Zahara

Register: purchase online by clicking on Schedule & Tickets

The Acting for the Camera workshop is part of an ongoing series of Filmmaker Insights workshops that the fest presents with PRIMAA (Peace Region Independent Media Arts Association). Whether you’re experienced in front of the camera or you’d like to try it for the first time, you’ll learn the subtleties of on-camera acting in this immersive workshop taught by Alex Zahara. With over 150 credits to his name and 22 years of acting experience, Alex is a great guide into the world of film and TV acting.

Alex will introduce you to key elements before you jump into acting with a scene partner. You will seek to communicate the truth of your character in a grounded, believable, and fulfilling way. You and your scene partner will be filmed and your work will be reviewed to help you delve even deeper!

For insight into acting for the camera, register for this workshop and your acting for the camera questions will be answered!